Wednesday, 5 November 2014


Strong Odour In The Vagina After Sex; Why It Happens and How Women Can Lessen The Possibility.

Do you suffer with a strong vagina odour each time you have sex? A healthy vagina tends to have a mild vaginal odour all the; however, some women notice that the odour becomes more pronounced after they’ve had unprotected sex. This odour can become extremely embarrassing for a woman, making them feel weak.

vaginal odour after sex

If you’re suffering with a fishy odour after you have sex, it could be that you’ve got a vaginal infection. Bear in mind that a minor change in small does not generally mean you’ve got an infection. But, it could be that you’re about to ovulate or have your period. But, if you’re really concerned or the small is extremely pungent after you have sex, it’s important to speak with your doctor to get a diagnosis.

Possible Reasons Women Have Vaginal Odor After Sex

For majority of cases, women who have a powerful pungent vaginal smell after they’ve had sex are suffering from an infection that’s developed. Keep in mind that vaginal infections are the result of a plethora of microorganisms that have built up-fungi, bacteria or yeast. A yeast overgrowth tends to cause a vaginal yeast infection while Gardner Ella vaginalis bacteria overgrowth will cause bacterial [BV]

Still, these are not the only reasons you might suffer with vaginal odour after intercourse;

  1. Tight or non- absorbent undergarments

       2.    Extended period of tampon-wearing

       3.     Vaginal infection due to unprotected sex

4.        Excessively douching or washing

 5.     Bad personal hygiene
worried of her vaginal odour

If you already have a vaginal odour before sex, having unprotected sex will worsen the smell because of the sweat and semen. Discharge appearing after sex will usually be yellowish and thick, followed by the bad small. The reason is that the vagina’s pH level is around 6; semen has a 7 pH level. When semen is ejaculated into the vagina, the flora of the vagina becomes disrupted with the pH change. The same thing applies to blood during menstruation, which is why most women have a strong vaginal odour during their period.

How To Eliminate Vaginal Odour and Keep It Away

Use condoms- If you want not to suffer of vaginal odour after you have sex, you should tell your sexual partner to use a condom. This will keep the smell at bay while protecting you from sexually transmitted diseases.

After Sex Washing- Women who are at risk for vaginal odour after sex need to wash immediately afterwards to keep it odour-free and clean. Washing right afterwards will rinse out bacteria that linger inside and outside of the vaginal canal. Not immediately washing will cause the bacteria to proliferate and enter the bladder. This can cause  a urinary tract infection. For that reason, you really need to take the time and wash up after you have sex.

panty liner
panty liner

Use Proper Panties-You should also wear loose-fit cotton panties that will allow air to flow through to the vagina so any bad smell you have can escape. If you wear non- absorbent underwear or tight underwear, moisture can be looked in and cause additional odour. If you notice a discharge, use a panty liner and change it regularly.

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