Thursday, 6 November 2014


Knowledge and Treatment; How Women Can Overcome Vaginal Discharge With Odour Problems

One of the most embarrassing and uncomfortable symptom of vaginal discharge is the odor, which is usually tied to a bigger health problem. Vaginal discharge is generally common, as it helps with maintaining a clean, healthy vaginal. However, the cause for concern come when it come with an odor or color change.
vaginal discharge with odour
 What Are The Reasons For Vaginal Discharge With Odours

It’s healthy to have some discharge in the vagina because it cleans the vagina and prevents and fights infections. Every day, fluid flows through the vagina to eradicate the deal cells, replace moisture and balance out the pH levels. Vaginal discharge is often affected by the following things;
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Pregnancy
  • Sexual arousal
It’s common for vaginal discharge to become heavier during these times and the day. Normal discharge looks clear or whitish with no fishy-like odour.

Symptoms That Will Alert You To A Vaginal Problem

If you notice any of the following five symptoms, you might have a bacterial infection problem;

  • Unexpected heavy amounts of discharge
  • Discharge that’s yellow, gray or white in color
  • Vaginal discharge looks like cottage cheese and has fishy odour
  • Serious itching, burning or irritation in the vaginal region.
  • Vaginal discharge is streaked with blood and you’re not starting your period

If you notice the above changes, it means the balance in pH level in the vagina and the healthy bacteria has changed. There are several reasons for this including but no limited to;
  • Bacterial infection
  • Hormonal imbalance (pregnancy or adolescence)
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Feminine hygiene sprays
  • Douching or washing excessively
  • Antibiotics or medications
  • Exposure to bubble baths or scented soaps

The two most common infections are;

  • Yeast infection
  • Bacterial vaginosis

 A Look At Yeast Infection

This condition is generally the result of a minute amount of healthy yeast that spirals out of control. For many women, yeast infection occurs for no real reason. For other women, the causes for yeast infections include;
·         Antibiotics
·         Bad personal hygiene habits
·         Diabetes
·         Pregnancy
vaginal yeast infection

Currently, there is no link that ties yeast infection and sex together.

There Are Five Yeast Infection Signs You Might Notice
  1. Dysuria (pain during sex)
  2. Severe itching
  3. Powerful bad odour
  4. Pain, inflammation and swelling in the vulva region
  5. White, cottage cheese-like vaginal discharge

A Look At Bacterial Vaginosis

The bacteria Gradenella vaginalis is the cause behind bacterial vaginosis. While it’s not really known why it happen, these are some factors that boost your chances of developing it such as;
  • Multiple sex partners
  • Douching

the vagina and related organs

Of course, there have been instances of women getting it without sex or douching.

There Are Four Common Signs Of This Condition:
·         Yellowish or grayish vaginal discharge
·         Vaginal odour
·         Inflammation, swelling and redness in the vaginal region
·         Burning and itching

 What Are The Remedies And Treatments Of Vaginal Discharge With Odour

How are the two conditions treated? Yeast infections are typically treated with medications that are inserted into the vagina along with oral medications. Bacterial vaginosis is treated with using strong antibiotics. However, you can also use some home remedies to treat your condition such as;

  • Organic ‘plain” yogurt: This can be eaten or placed in the vagina to end the irritation and inflammation
  • Garlic: This can be taken in forms of pills or drops usually found in health foods stores.
  • Fiber: An increase of fiber can help the body eliminate toxins and move the bowels more rapidly.

Bear in might that there are foods you need to avoid such as:

  • Aged cheese
  • Gluteus grains
  • Sugars
  • Yeast

These foods will cause bacteria to grow, which will then cause the vagina discharge with odour.

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