Tuesday, 4 November 2014


Vaginal Douching; Why Women Do It and Why Doctors Recommend Them Not To

Many women, between the ages of 15 and 44, douche their vagina on a regular basis. However, it’s not the preferred way to clean the private region. Why? Douching brings risks, which includes inflammatory diseases and infections.

There are several reasons why women decide douching is a good idea. But, really, it’s just not worth the risks. Rather, it’s best to allow nature to do what it’s always done and talk with a gynecologist if vaginal odor fails to go away on its own.
The Vagina With It's Associated Organs
 Vaginal Douching; What Is It?

If you don’t know, douching means you farce water or some kind of cleaning agent into the vagina for the sole reason to flush or rinse out the vagina. Douches eliminate the vaginal discharge along with other things in the vagina.You can purchase these products at any local store, retail or drug. Many manufacturers produce these products in a variety of scents. And, there are some instances where a doctor will prescribe a patient a prescription strength douche to ready has for a procedure or treat an ailment.

Reasons Why Women Douche: Myths Debunked

There are several reasons why women will douche. The biggest reason is that they are not aware of risks and tend to believe the myths of douching:
  1. After pregnancy douching to halt the possibility of fertilization and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. Douching to halt the vaginal odour. If you notice fishy-like smell, you need to see a doctor to determine why. It often means an infection of some type and douching will only add to the problem.
  3. Douching to eliminate the remaining menstruation blood; something, the body can do on its own.
  4. Doctor prescribed douching to threat bacterial or constant yeast infections. This treatment should only be done with intense monitoring and use what’s been prescribed.
  5. Douching because of the clean feeling.

 Does Douching Help In Eliminating Vaginal Odour?

It’s important you understand that douching will not help in eliminating vaginal odour; all it will do is cover it up. In time, the odour will come back and just get worse. Vaginal odour is the body’s way of letting you know there’s an issue. And , when you notice it, you need to talk to your gynecologist to eliminate any serious disease or infection.
A Rubber Tool Use For Douching

Is It Safe To Douche Your Vagina  

If you were to ask a doctor or gynecologist if douching is safe, you will get a “NO” from each one. Douching regularly will change the pH balance inside the vagina and boost the possibility of women suffering with infections. Rather, douching will bring bacteria into the vagina that will rapidly make its way to the cervix, fallopian tubes and the uterus.

According to research, a woman who douches regularly will have more vagina irritations, STDs occurrences and infections. She also increases her possibility of suffering of pelvic inflammatory disease, a chronic condition that has serious consequences like:
  • Infertility problems
  • Death
  • Cancer

PID, like bacterial vaginosis can cause some severe complications in a pregnant woman like labor problems, preterm delivery and infections in the baby. That’s why should not douche unless their doctor has told them to. Remember, the vagina’s pH balance is extremely delicate and can be unsettled very easily.

And, don’t forget this vaginal douching is not an effective means for preventing the following;
  • STDs
  • Pregnancy
  • Infections
A Woman Who Doesn't Douche
How Should You Clean Your Vagina and Get Rid Of The Odour

Doctors recommend to women to allow their vagina clean itself out so long as there’s no bacterial infection. The vagina has its own way of keeping itself clean of blood, semen, discharge or any other containment, using its mucous secretions. All you need to do is use warm water and mild soap to maintain a clean vagina. You should also not use scented feminine hygiene products since these boost the possibility of infections.